Here we are, now entertain us.
Intro to The Rock Oracle
We have put together a talented team of writers, musicians, friends, music lovers, artists, and more to bring you a sense of what’s happening across the country in music. The Rock Oracle is a community effort for sure. It will be an amalgamation of like-minded people scribing expression and phrases for a passion project. We write about live shows, album releases, music venues, record stores, and all kinds of other art that pertain to tones, melodies and chords that make us move.
This is the idea. The Rock Oracle is a neighborhood experience, and I invite you to participate. I encourage all to go to live venues and support the independent artists at your local dive bar as much as you can. There is certainly nothing wrong with supporting the big acts too, they were once small. We have a small team of writers currently, but we hope to grow. Maybe it’s you who becomes our next author.
If you’d like to participate, please feel free to reach out to us. I’d love to hear what you’re listening to and how it makes you feel. Always listen. Always love and be good. Music matters and heals.
Jason Shrum
Content Creator