Category: FEATURED

  • Package Pt.2 Delivers 

    Package Pt.2 Delivers 

    A review of the new record from Gustaf  I’m so glad that a friend at a little watering hole and pizza joint in Seattle, called Big Mario’s, once uttered the question, “Have you heard of Gustaf? I think you’d like them”. I believe I responded with, “I don’t listen to a lot of Russian bands,…

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  • Nickelback is Okay?

    Nickelback is Okay?

    A review of “Hate to Love: Nickelback ” a NETFLIX Documentary I just finished watching the NETFLIX documentary entitled “Hate to Love: Nickelback”, because, well, I felt I had to. I indulge in just about every music documentary that I can find streaming. I love to learn about obscure record studios and humble beginnings of artists…

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  • Five Fantastically Fake Formations 

    Five Fantastically Fake Formations 

    “Fake Bands” from Film and TV Listen, making a list is hard. I even have a tough time putting together an itemized gathering of grocery needs, let alone ranking bands, songs, venues, movies or the like. So, this is going to be challenging because I am keeping it to five and I refuse to put…

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