Amway Center
November 2019
Eek – It’s Modest Mouse…
We have never used the word “Suck” in the title for a concert review. After seeing Modest Mouse at The Amway Center last night, that almost changed.
I went into the show with no preconceived notions. I just knew that I liked the band and respected their musical creativity. Modest Mouse has established themselves as one of the most diverse, talented acts on the rock music landscape over the past two decades, and I finally had a chance to see them perform live.
Founding member Isaac Brock still fronts the band, which has swelled to 7 members over the years. He’s the talented guy with the creative guitar work and distinctive vocals that make Modest Mouse’s music a special treat. But, at least on this night, he SUCKED live. There, I said it.
Brock walked onto stage and immediately mumbled something into the mic about the 13 people in attendance. And from there, it steadily got worse. The crowd was late arriving, and most of the folks in attendance were there to see headliners The Black Keys. But why start off your set bashing those fans who were there early to see you?
What made the set so painful to watch? Here are a few highlights:
- Brock looked bored throughout. He mumbled through a few of the vocals, never smiled, and looked totally disinterested.
- He never moved more than 6 inches from his microphone
- There was no interaction on stage between Brock and his talented band mates
- Brock said nothing to the crowd after his opening one-liner. NOTHING!
Despite all of those peccadilloes, it’s all about the music, right? Listening to Modest Mouse recordings, I expected pristine music from the band. What we got was a mess. The mix was mushy and generally devoid of passion.
And, then there was the composition of the setlist. No “Float On.” No “The Ocean Breathes Salty.” No “Missed the Boat.” No clue.
A band doesn’t need to nail every aspect of a show to please their fans, but they need to at least bring the passion, sound good, or play what he fans desire. On this night, Modest Mouse was 0 for 3.
Bottom Line: I should have visited the bar for an hour. And, I never feel that way. I always find some redeeming qualities in a set of live music… but not on this night. Modest Mouse, welcome to my all-time 10 worst live bands list.
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