RSD Part Deux
featuring Randy & The Mormons
Welp, I said there would most likely be a part two to the Record Store Day story and now I am going to make that attempt. If you read that story than you know the overall experience that I had shopping and picking those treasures from The Groove Record Store. It was an absolutely magical expedition. I gathered nearly everything that I had sought after minus that Black Crowes 7” that escaped my clutches. This second part of the story is what happened after I made a voyage up the road four block to stash my wares in my car and headed back to the shop to take part in all the other things that is Record Store Day (RSD).
The Groove had closed off the adjacent lot for vendors of all varieties. There was a bar set-up that opened at 11am as well, and by the time I had returned from the trip to my car it was just about then. Perfect. The temperature was at about 75 and quickly rising. When I had arrived in line for RSD it was 7:30am and a crisp 51 degrees.
In the concrete clearance there were clothing merchants, botanicals for purchase, a CBD beverage pop up called High Rise and jewelry and such for all types of shoppers. Live music was also about to kick off at 11:30am and that’s where this second part of the story starts. I mean, minus all the other stuff I just wrote. And beer. I grabbed a few beers. That’s technically where the second half begins.
I was waiting for my friend Will and his girlfriend Kassie (she’s my friend too) to arrive as I slipped behind The Groove and found myself under a large tent with a small stage and another mobile bar. The show was being hosted by ACME RADIO LIVE. Acme Radio Live in their words, “is devoted to the discovery, preservation and lifestyle of Nashville music. Under the direction of Program Director Justin Hammel, we’re constantly discovering the best local underground music as we preserve and pay homage to the legacies of timeless artists. A springboard for up-and-coming artists to expand their fan base globally with live streamed concerts and exclusive interviews, Acme Radio Live bridges the gap between artists and fans, reaching across states, countries, and continents.” Essentially, I found my own private Idaho.
The Groove Record Store is located inside an old house, in a lovely neighborhood, that has been allocated to be commercial property, and so they have a backyard. This is where the mini festival was being held. This is where I witnessed the brilliance and the good time vibes that is Randy & The Mormons.

From their website it reads, “Since their inception, Randy & The Mormons have garnered a cult following, captivating audiences with their energetic performances, sexy dance moves, and devastating lyrics. They have elaborate inside jokes with their audience such as being a Jimmy Buffett cover band that doesn’t cover his music, being the tallest band in Nashville, and being Mormon. Lead singer Sam Rochford once hosted a house show where so many people came the joists in her floor boards broke. If you’re her old landlord, legally, this is a joke.”
This descriptor is exactly what I was exposed to, and the set was like a beautifully lit match, placed elegantly on a gasoline doused pile of doll heads, littered with candied sprinkles and finger paint. Meaning it was wonderfully orchestrated. Doesn’t make sense to you? It does if you watch Randy & The Mormons. They have an absolute blast on stage. They jest and smile and cause the audience to laugh out loud, even if the crowd isn’t necessarily in on the pun. Oh yeah, and they can play too. This is no “joke band”.
As the musicians left the stage I said hello to a couple of them and they were so gracious and sweet, and not that tall either. Will and Kassie were walking into the venue at that moment and so I headed back out to greet them and for a few more beers and CBD beverages. Today was already a great day and it was only like noon or something.
Their songs are well written, and the group is tight. Sam, the lead singer, dons a pink dress on this day and the rest of the ensemble, well, they dress like Mormons. At least as one would expect someone to be clothed if referred to as Mormon. We assume. Probably. They have a great stage presence and keep it light and fun throughout the setlist and I respect that. The track, “Anniversary Song” is the one for me. In fact, since the show, I added it to my playlist on Spotify. It’s the archetypal melodic grouping of sounds and language for the potential cult group wannabe. If Bonnie Nettles and Marshall Applewhite ever wanted a theme song for their Heavens Gate project, this would most certainly fit the bill. Or it could make a great title track if Netflix produced a dark comedy about the kooky mass suicides (a must see). Maybe that’s not your cup tea (or Kool-Aid), but it’s certainly mine and so is this article. I expect great things from this group, and I will follow their movement and community closely going forward.

There’s probably a third layer to this adventure of mine and maybe I’ll write about that too. About how Will, Kassie and I wandered over to Dino’s and grabbed burgers and fries (Animal style of course) and beers of course. I’ll write about how they are quickly becoming the bestest of friends. I’ll let you into the jokes and the hardest of laughs and the personal stuff. I’ll pen the stories that we acquainted each other with, but then again, maybe not. That part of the tale lives in my heart and in my head and I’ve allowed you to get this far. Maybe I’ll write a book one day and those moments in time will be revealed. Until then, please hear the music that shapes your lives. It’s always there, if you listen.