Tag: interviews

  • Berlin’s Terri Nunn

    Terri Nunn is the voice of the grossly underrated rock band Berlin. She has produced a crazy, large body of work from her time as an actress, to belting the signature song from the Tom Cruise, behemoth of a movie Top Gun. She has been keeping the Berlin fire warm touring with her own version…

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  • Richard Patrick: Filter

    One of the most interesting interviewees ever. I could talk to Richard Patrick for ever. We recently caught up with Filter’s frontman Richard Patrick as he readied for his sound check backstage in New York’s Gramercy Theatre.  He’s an amazing talent, and a guy who never hesitates to share an opinion.  Over our thirty minutes,…

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  • Greg Kihn Interview

    You know, that I know, that you know, that Greg Kihn is a bad ass… right? The affable man of many hats wants you to know that it’s OK if you don’t. He’s only a platinum selling rock star, award-winning novelist, Bay Area DJ, who is pals with members of the Grateful Dead, played in…

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  • Eddie Money Interview

    Reprinted, in honor of Eddie’s recent passing. This interview took place in the summer of 2017, when Eddie was in a good place healthwise… Shakin’ With the Money Man Eddie Money is a legendary performer who ruled rock music airwaves for long stretches of the 70’s and 80’s. Despite some well known struggles with addiction,…

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